Saisonale Geschenke
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Saisonale Geschenke
To me, sunsets are painted by loved ones. I’m often thinking about my sister, because when you loose someone you love, it’s the sunsets which makes you thinks about them. Sunsets too have met an end. The sun sets each day, a constant motion. Each day, the sunset portrays an ending and the chance to start new fills every following morning. I love sunsets, most of the time I just enjoy watching a variety of colors fill the sky. Sunsets allow me to stop and enjoy the little things in life. It sparks inspiration and mystery, creating innovative minds, noticing beautiful natural things.
The painting “Tendre” is inspired by the Japanese concept “wabi sabi” which is about the perception of beauty. Accepting the transient nature of life, authenticity serves as a focus point of wabi sabi cherishes the cracks and imperfections. They symbolize the passage of time and loving use. Love as the antidote to a throwaway society built on disposable goods and mass-produced homogenous items.
Trees are magical and autumn is the season to let go. “Our present situation is the result of all the things we have left behind” and the trees that release their leaves during fall are a wonderful reminder. They whisper “Next season, we all will get new leaves and you will too.”
Nature is calming and relaxing, and a painting with trees instantly brings a feeling of wellbeing to a room, and reminds us everyday to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Let’s be like wildflowers. They are growing anywhere and everywhere. Blooming in all the places people thought they never would. Growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day, simply following the sun. Nature cherishes each brilliant, quirky bloom. A celebration of uniqueness and acceptance.
Let’s be like wildflowers. Not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning how to dance in the rain. Gently swaying to the sound of the wind. Let’s be brave and true. Embrace a slower pace of life. Making time to enjoy the sights, tastes, scents and sounds that you encounter. Eternally curious, authentic, open and playful and not afraid to step off the beaten path. Creating memories that you’ll treasure forever. Wandering barefoot, sharing, loving, gathering while enjoying the journey.
Let’s be like wildflowers.